247 Results for:

December 1, 2001

Political History and Theory
Special Providence

The United States has had a more successful foreign policy than any other great power in history. Council Senior Fellow Walter Russell Mead argues that the United States is successful because its strategy is rooted in Americans' concrete interests, which value trade and commerce as much as military security.

January 1, 2002

Technology and Innovation
Technological Innovation and Economic Performance

This seminal volume brings together the research and critical thinking of many of the world's top macro- and micro-economists to provide a unique, multifaceted perspective on the causes of technologi…

October 29, 2002

Digital Dragon

Can China become a true global economic power? That depends on the evolution of the Chinese high-technology sector. The industry's success or failure will determine whether China becomes a modern eco…

August 20, 2009

Middle East and North Africa
Forces of Fortune

Forces of Fortune reveals that there is a vital but unseen rising force in the Islamic world—a new business-minded middle class—that is building a vibrant new Muslim world economy and that holds the …

June 1, 2003

Support Any Friend

Read an excerpt of Support Any Friend. In his timely, perceptive, and elegantly written book, Senior Fellow Warren Bass offers striking new insights into the origins of today's Middle East. He ill…