16,139 Results for:

November 15, 2005

RGE Econoblog with Sebastian Mallaby

OK, not a true Wall Street Journal style Econoblog.   But Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post noted my response to his October 31st column, and has agreed to allow me to publish our email exchan…

June 18, 2006

Emerging Markets
A hard landing in 2006 - just not in the US?

Nouriel and I postulated back in early 2005 that there was a meaningful risk that the next “emerging market” crisis might come from the US – and it might come sooner than most expected.   The basic q…

March 23, 2008

Monetary Policy
There is now little doubt: the US relies on central banks and sovereign funds to finance its deficit …

This is Brad Setser once again. I am back from my spring break. I want to thank Dr. Frankel and Rachel Ziemba for taking my place last week. No one in their right mind paid much attention to the …

August 17, 2012

Fossil Fuels
Why Allowing Natural Gas Exports Is Probably Good for Climate Change

I argued in a New York Times op-ed yesterday that the United States should allow LNG exports while guarding against downside risks to the local environment and low-income consumers. Joe Romm at the C…

May 11, 2009

Emerging Markets
Sovereign bailout funds, sovereign development funds, sovereign wealth funds, royal wealth funds …

The classic sovereign wealth fund was an institution that invested a country’s surplus foreign exchange (whether from the buildup of “spare” foreign exchange reserves at the central bank or from the …