19 Results for:

March 4, 2021

The President's Inbox Episodes by Topic

A comprehensive list of each episode of The President's Inbox organized by topic. 

Resolute desk

April 27, 2012

United States
Weekend Reading: Women in the Arab World, Engaging Islamists, and the Great Wall of Israel

A compilation of reactions to Mona el-Tahawy’s controversial piece, “Why Do They Hate Us?”. Quinn Mecham writes a policy brief for POMED on a strategy for sustained engagement with Islamist parties…


January 7, 2012

Weekend Reading: SCAF-Salafi Alliance?, L’affaire Basbug, and Bahrain’s Opposition

Mona Anis says that perhaps Egypt’s Salafists are better suited than the Brotherhood for an alliance with the military. Merve Busra Ozturk provides reflections on the recent arrest of Turkish former…


August 31, 2012

Weekend Reading: Egyptian Labor, Syrian Brutality, and Gulf Stereotypes

Eric Lee at In These Times discusses Egypt’s unfinished labor revolution. Robin Yassin-Kassab, on his blog Qunfuz, writes about the Assad regime’s brutality, highlighting the recent massacre in Dara…


January 26, 2011

Protests Rock Egypt

It’s 2am and I am finally back in my hotel.  It’s been an extraordinary day.  Tens of thousands of Egyptians—perhaps more—took to the streets across the country to demand change.  Even the “Red Sea R…